"... Someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more."
Recently, Michelle Obama spoke these socialistic words. Her claim is that the wealthy should be forced to give up their earnings in order for someone else to rise from poverty. This may not be so bad if she was speaking of simple charity donations; however, her statement is backed by the theory that the government should dictate that we give our money to someone who may, or may not, deserve it. Her statement is backed only by pure, outright socialism.
Regardless of what the liberal left is brainwashing our generation to think, our great country is based on the American capitalist system. The freedom to become whatever you want to be and earn as much as you deserve is the American dream. The key word in that is 'deserve'. Those citizens who work hard and succeed deserve to pocket their own money; however, others that have become comfortable living off of the government should not expect to pocket the money of the working class.
Do you think that someone without a job is going to try to find work if he or she knows that someone else will provide a check for them? NO. We have already seen that failure in the welfare system. Citizens, particularly those with no education, have become so used to the government's monthly check, that they will never know the true rewards of being apart of the working class. The reward of spending your own money and not that of someone else. The reward of feeding your children with food bought with money you rightfully own. And perhaps most importantly, the reward of being self-sufficient. Somewhere along the way, the pride of America has slipped through some of our fingers. It is those very fingers that belong to the people who believe that nobody should have more "pie" than others.
I happen to like the "pie" that my parents bring home from their self-owned business. It puts food in my mouth, clothes on my back, and a pillow under my head. And yes, it does buy a small amount of luxuries that the lower class may not have such as a car, a laptop, and a cell phone, but those things were not bought with another person's earnings. They were bought with the money traded for my parents long hours and never-ending efforts. My parents, and our generation of future parents, should not be punished for succeeding.
In the future, I will have my own "pie". Just as any other young person, I aspire to have my dreams come true and make as much money as I possibly can. If I become the CEO of a money-making corporation, a successful lawyer, or even a wealthy surgeon, I do not want First Lady or President Obama sticking their socialist hands into my "pie."
I do not know of anybody, including President Obama and his wife, who wants to earn less than what they really deserve. And that is just what is going to happen if First Lady Obama sees her socialistic statement and ideals prevail in America.
The backbone of America, the working class, is going to break. And when that happens, don't blame me ... I am a CONSERVATIVE.
U Rock !